There are many regional feasts and
habits on Kashubia:
on Easter Monday, in Poland exists a folk habit
– it consists in dousing each other with water; on Kashubia this day people
whip each other with a twig of juniper
(formerly girls believed, that the more lashes the bigger popularity among boys
– and the faster marriage),
celebrating Midsummer Night – on June 23 –
people organize campfires (often nearby the lakes) and dance; girls throw to
the lakes wreaths made from flowers (formerly, they tried to foretell the
future this way),
breathing in a snuff (it’s a powdered
tobacco) – Kashubian people pour a little bit on their hands, breath it in and
sneeze loudly then; they uses special snuff boxes to keep it,
harvest festival – it is organized in most
of polish countrysides, for celebrate the end of harvests; it’s a folk and religious
feast – it begins with a Holy Mass, than people presents harvest’s wreaths and
entertain all day during festivity.
In the summer there are organized here
as well various picnics, which don’t have so long lasting tradition. During
those events more or less local stars are singing on the stage, cabarets
entertains inhabitants, and the folk bands shows their dance skills. Those
feasts are full of specific charm, and brings to my mind lotteries, flavour of
candyfloss and balloons, which are always present there. And setting off
fireworks at midnight.
,,Let’s dance” – say Lama. I take
her by the hands and we spin below the scene. For this one night I become a fan
of disco polo music.
photos comes from: my own
photos comes from: my own